Wednesday, November 16, 2011

trust .

trust is such a hard thing . seems like in the world today , there are very few people you can fully trust . i think my personal problem is that i trust too easily . i like to think that i can trust all of the people in my life , but sometimes that jus isn't true ..

i don't understand how people can lie about such simple things and not even see anything wrong with it . or maybe they jus think that keeping something from you isn't considered lying . well .. actually it is . personally , i would rather someone by straight up with me and tell me the truth , than find out through another source . when i have to find out something myself that you could have easily told me , it hurts . plainandsimple . it jus hurts . i wouldn't say it makes me mad , cause it takes a whole lot to get me mad . but it really hurts that i'm not respected enough to be told the truth .

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